Rates & Fees
Login’s primary focus is on providing managed services. Therefore, Login schedules its staff to provide consulting services on an as-needed basis. The further out we schedule the easier it is for us to coordinate the staff member(s).
Login’s rates are based on three factors. The first is whether advance notice is given. The second is whether the work can be performed at our office or remotely, or whether we need to physically be at a specific site. The last factor is whether the job has a specific time constraint, or whether we can do it in our available time.
All time billed is in units of one hour, with a one-hour minimum. If the job requires multiple techs, each will be billed at that hourly rate. If Login chooses to provide extra techs that the job does not require, only those required consultants will be billing, and the extra techs will not.
Managed Router Service includes – at no charge- any requested update and/or changes to router configuration that can be performed from the Login office as time permits.
Truck Roll
When a Login technician is required/requested to dispatch to the client’s site for troubleshooting or to perform scheduled onsite work. $400 (first hour of work included). Distance restrictions apply.
Wait Time
When Login technicians are on-time to a scheduled appointment and are required to wait for access/facility/contact in excess of 15 minutes, it shall be billed as onsite work $250/hr in 0.25hr increments.
Remote Hands
Simple Reboot $25. All other work on servers is performed at the appropriate Rate Class.
Rate Classes
Rate 1
Scheduled in advance. Work performed at Login office or remotely. As time permits.
Rate 2
Rate 3
Rate 4
Datacenter Escort Rates
Private Colocation
If you do not have 24×7 access a Login tech must be present at all times, which will be billable at Rate 1 if scheduled in advance during business hours or Rate 4 for off-hours and emergency access.
Shared Colocation
Only a Login tech may access any equipment inside of shared cabinets and escorted [Login hands] access may be scheduled and billable at the appropriate Rate Class. Alternatively, upon advanced request, Login may remove/reinstall/swap devices for clients at no charge during business hours and as time permits.